WE Post That is NOT 2 Senteces Long! (by CP!)
Hi guys! It's CP again! ^^
I now go by 3 other names, figure 'em out yourselves!
There's a couple of things you should know by now (at least).
The little kitty on the corner of the nanaca crash page is clickable, that one in a full collection so look out for more because they are going to start rampaging ani-pock soon enough :3. Each of these little clickables will lead to a surprising end!
About Supporting Ani-pock
If you don't want to lose this anime, these flashes and all this fun stuff. Please support ani-pock by telling all your friends about the site! Also for Windows users, consider switching to Mozilla Firefox©. Its free, faster and alot safer than Internet Explorer!! It also rendres this website better! Ani-pock, while fun, is an expensive thing to keep up!
Texas Cosplays!
Time for some good old-fashion cosplay! Grab your Naruto headband or kunai. These people speciallize in cosplays. And they'd like to share with you the amazing productions of http://www.jac-productions.com. These are very fun videos you might enjoy to watch, over, and over again. (one in particular has a slight PG rating).
This is a japanese robot. A tea serving one at that!
Freaky looking eh?
Yeah, well it is!
This is a robot that helps the elderly.
Note: this one's not freaky-looking ^^
So there you have it, cosplay team and two helpful robots! So now I'll say it.
CP over and out ^^.
Pocky's Note:
Hey thanks CP! And check out this drawing CP made last night:
And now some art by you guys on the drawing board!
Go to the Drawing Board w/LiveChat Now!
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" Please support ani-pock by telling all your friends about the site! " Says the one who whacked my with a fish when I tried to give the link to some other friends. =P