Friday, November 17, 2006


Meyume Here! n_n

Alright, so we known about general fashion and clothing in the area that we live. But what about other countries? Since Ani-Pock revolves around Japan and Japanese Culture, I thought that we could all take a look back at original male... well, undergarments. Basically, this clothing piece is called a Fundoshi, a Japanese male loincloth made from a piece of cloth and a shaku, which it sorta like a cotton rope (in one sense). The fundoshi was used by both rich and poor, and was the most basic piece of male clothing across the nation, that is, until the Second World War, when elastic American underpants had become more popular.

Please, keep in mind that although the pictures do not show anything inappropriate, it tends to show some skin. So if you don’t want to look or if your parents say "NO". Then don’t click! XD

Click to see how to put it on!

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Hey I want to see more cool stuff!!

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