Monday, April 09, 2007

Ani-Pock Podcast Episode 14 - 500th POST!!!

Can you believe it?! This is the 500th post on Ani-Pock!!! Thank you to all our posting members for making everyday on Ani-Pock a place to see something new! You've made Ani-Pock a place to watch, to listen, to talk about and to laugh at something new, every day!

Thank You for making Ani-Pock what it is!

I remember when the blog started out as a tiny message strip. I think I first put it up as a replacement for the drawboard. You used to type in and go straight to the drawboard. I really wanted to give Ani-Pock a "home base" so we could all stay on the same page. Now you guys are posting in AMVs, sharing news, and even helping learn about each other!

I will strive to make other sections of Ani-Pock operate in this fashion as much as I can. The more "open" Ani-Pock becomes, I am certain this treasure will only grow. Probably the next slated feature will be through the Ani-Pock Wiki. You can check it out here. I hope to integrate it into the site soon.

Thanks again to everyone! Poster, reader, commenter, Ani-Pocker! ^_^


Ep 014: "Ani-Punk!"

Episode 14 is here! WITH NEW OPENING BY KIP!! Kip slaved hours and hours on this new intro =] I should say that I forced Kip into using this one so quickly. He had sent it to me as a sneak peak for what he was working on to be used starting on Episode 26. So domo arigato Kip!!

Today's topics: Who is PunkChick!, Best April Fools/pranks, What did you eat for dinner, Do plants feel pain, Whats up with Ani-Dubbing,

Hosts: Pocky, Meta, Meyume, PunkChick!

Running time: 22:33
Intro/Outro by Kip

Well what are you waiting for, click the pink play button to listen, or right click here and choose save as)

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Hey I want to see more cool stuff!!

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