Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Check out the A-P Forums!

The Ani-Pock forums live again!

Now you can submit high scores for Nanaca Crash, write a critique for on an anime you've watched recently (L*S, maybe?), play in the Ani-Pock RPG, or just shoot the breeze!

But here's the best part:

The first person who posts the most non-spam entries in the forum will win two boxes of Pocky of their choice!

The contest starts May 1st.
The contest ends August 1st 12:00 AM, GMT.

So get cracking! Dust off those threads and topics and whatnot.

Also, about the RP... Pocky suggested we create one, but I've never formed one before. I would like to have an experienced RP-er or two join me in the ranks and help me develop one or more that the Ani-Pock community will enjoy.

Go to the forums now >>
(or click 'Forums' in the nav bar at the top of your screen).

To participate you must post at least 250 entires within the three month span.
If you wish to participate, and have already registered in the forum, give me your forum name and number of posts to date. I will verify that the number you gave me is correct and will begin logging your posts after May 1st. More details on how to claim your prize in the forums.

Good Luck!

Thanks to Pocky for clearing out the spam!

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Hey I want to see more cool stuff!!

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