Lucy's sunday post ABOUT JPOP
My sunday my sunday my sunday my sunday D: <
On aprill the 18th, AKB48 will be releasing thier new single, and like the last single they released, it has a MEANING. O: A MESSAGE TO ALL JAPANESE GIRLIES. Last one was against child prostotution, and this time, it's agaisnt suicide. (Happy happy joy joy!) Rumor has it, (i say rumor becuase i have never seen a japanese girl kill her self infront of me) suicide is a big problem within japan, hence they had to sing against it. Scary no? Reminds me of the japanese film, SUICIDE CLUB (gasp, it's so goary you should watch it) but for some reason, SUICIDE SCARES ME LIKE THE ZOMBIES DO ON SCOOBIE DOO TO A LITTLE CHLD.
Watch it watch it watch it!
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