Monday, April 16, 2007

New NERV and SEELE logo.

Hey, Sorry Shadow~X, we're covering up your reveal game with the avalanche of posts!

Take a look here, it's the new NERV and SEELE logos for the upcoming Evangelion movie.


Say what?


Looks like a coloring book drawing to me... S is for Serpent, SEELE, and Sinister plots!

The new logos are supposed to represent the original sin (notice the apple, can you see it in NERV's? Really? Good eye!) found in the Bible. Why a figleaf superimposed over an apple has anything to do with anything beats me. Oh, and if you weren't sure SEELE was an evil organization before... well...

So, let us know:

Edit: For reference, here is the old NERV (glory be!) and SEELE logos.

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Hey I want to see more cool stuff!!

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